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Ecologically Based Rodent Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security in Africa

Welcome to the EcoRodMan project website - check out What's New

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EcoRodMan is a project funded by the European Development Fund and implemented by the African Union. The project is about rodent pests and the damage they cause in crop production, the loss and contamination of stored food after harvest and the many health problems inflicted on people and domestic animals through the transmission of rodent-borne diseases.

EcoRodMan is officially led and managed by Professor Apia Massawe from the Pest Management Centre, Sokoine University of Agriculture in Tanzania. The project is a collaboration with many experts from Ethiopia, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda and the United Kingdom. More information about the EcoRodMan team can be found on the Partner page.

This website aims to provide information about the EcoRodMan project as well as to act as a repository for general information about the problems rodents cause and ecologically-based solutions to manage rodents. General information about rodents can be found on the Background pages, the Publication page and the Information for End Users page. Raising awareness about rodents and their damage to people's livelihoods as well as delivering innovative ways to sustainably manage rodents are important goals of the EcoRodMan project. More details about the project can be found on the About the Project pages. And if you have any questions about rodents, please make contact with us through our Partners page

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